
Intern Confessions

June 26th, 2012

It’s time for the interns to confess, here’s the first confession from Christine!

Being here two weeks earlier than the other interns, I suppose you could call me this summer’s Yoda… okay, that’s a stretch! However, that extra time offered me a chance to get a heads up on the Bozell environment.

If I was asked to explain Bozell in one word I would definitely have to ask for another, but if someone was twisting my arm, I’d sum it up as “family.” I know it’s cheesy, but it’s not likely anyone who works here would disagree. Everyone cares about you and your projects, and collectively wants to reach success – as any business does – but Bozell makes it happen with a unique class that is hard to find.

I owe a lot of my internship position to participating in the American Advertising Federation (AAF). I had the opportunity to meet Bozell employees who are also involved in AAF during various events.  I remember hearing at the very beginning of my college career that, “It’s all about networking and who you know.” And man, it’s so true!

Some of the nicest people I’ve ever met work at Bozell. There’s Mother McClung who knows and sees all. Ernie, who you would think after 30+ years in the business would learn to relax since advertising is so unpredictable, but he insists on being “very concerned” every minute of the day. I’m worried that those wrinkles are going to deepen! And then there are the three owners, Kim, Corey and Robin, who remind me of siblings. Their relationship is pretty interesting and always fun to watch.

But one of my favorite people to work with is Laura. She is my “boss” for the CWS/New Business internship and the corporate communications manager at Bozell. After only a few weeks of working with Laura, I began catching myself using some of her facial expressions and hand gestures! Since I have a habit of adopting social characteristics, it didn’t really surprise me when I started throwing my hands up in the air and raising an eyebrow when telling a story.

As the CWS intern, my main responsibility is to plan the three tailgates for our clients. Since College World Series, Inc., is actually on the Bozell client list, we had lots of goodies to keep our guests busy throughout the week … and lots of adult beverages. My time so far has included haggling prices for a cargo van, a massive Costco/Hy-Vee run and lots of time recuperating from sun burns. Like most Omaha summers, predicting the weather was nearly impossible for all three tailgates. The first was humid, rainy and the ground may as well have been a swamp, and my canvas TOMS soaked it all up! The next was humid and 100 degrees with a blaring sun that turned my poor shoulders a new shade of red. But the final day was perfect – a great end to the madness! Overall, we had a very successful tailgate run and I look forward to the next intern trying to top the awesomeness Laura and I created!

Top tailgate moments.

3. Playing Disney Monopoly for hours in the cargo van with Tara.

2. Building up enough overtime from the tailgates to take Friday off.

1. Watching Laura go through the stages of denial, anger and acceptance when her iPhone fell into a port-a-potty.

You want to know what the interns are up to on a daily basis? Check them out as they confess what it’s like to be an intern at Bozell here @Bozell_Confess

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