
Copywriter Bryan Mohr Quoted as a Tagline Expert

February 9th, 2011

Bozell copywriter, Bryan Mohr, was recently quoted as an expert in a national marketing publication. Mohr shared his insights on how to write a good tagline.

Mohr explains, ““What a tagline is meant to do is answer the question, ‘What do we want to communicate to our audience every time they come in contact with our brand?’”


Mohr contributed a few tips for getting the strategizing process going. He emphasizes the importance of quantity over quality to get the brain searching for out of the box solutions including: “Start with one line, write the meaning of that line, and take that meaning and write it 100 different ways. Then you take a line with a little different meaning and write that in 100 different ways. Repeat and repeat until your brain is tagline mush.”

Once immersed in the process he then suggests, “Step away for a day, go to bed, try to take it off your mind, and come back and see what the next day brings. Your brain is going to be in a different place tomorrow than it is today and that different place might lead to a better insight you didn’t have before.”

And to finish the process Mohr suggests that your new tagline will guarantee that you “sound the way your audience would expect you to sound, something that rings true to themGet nitpicky.”

Once you’ve arrived at your new tagline it’s time to “see how the tagline works across different marketing mediums” and test it with your various audiences, both internal and external.

If you follow a rigorous process for selecting your new tagline Mohr believes that “you’ll have a greater chance of creating a tagline that’s solidlike a rock.”
