
Public Relations

December 2nd, 2008


Award Worthy

Awards season is here again, not for televisions or the  movies, but for professional organizations. Entry fees are one of the leading fund raisers for many communications, advertising and visual arts organizations. Some marketing communications covet the various awards to validate their work and spend significant funds entering many examples of their work. However, at Bozell, we have a different philosophy. Yes, we enter the awards competitions, but we feel that the greatest acknowledgement of our work is by our clients. Read More

December 1st, 2008


Welcome to Bozell’s Dialogue Relations / Public Relations Blog!!

We are practicing what we preach by jumping head first into the Social Media space on the new Bozell website. Each of our executive committee members are required to post blogs on a regular basis. Many of us are already active in the blog’o’sphere on a personal level and we commonly recommend this tactic to our clients, but this is an integrated approach for the company. Read More

November 20th, 2008


Smile! You’re on YouTube

WildSmiles Brackets are patented braces with unique shapes: stars, flowers, footballs, diamonds, and circles. The product allows consumers to have fun with their braces experience and be individual in the way they design their mouth.
The average age for children to receive braces is 12-16 years old. Naturally, children entering this age range were our target audience. More specifically though, our primary target audience consisted of those children who already shaped their peers’ opinions by regularly offering ideas and experiences concerning braces. Read More

November 19th, 2008


A Whole New Look at Laminate

For more than ten years, Bozell has provided marketing communications for VT Industries, the leading manufacturer of architectural wood doors and postformed laminate countertops. Our services have included development of brand identity, business-to-business advertising, home center support, customer loyalty programs, sales support, public relations, trade show support and collateral.
VT countertop sales were steady but slow and the product was viewed largely as a commodity. Based on customer feedback, VT and Bozell determined that VT countertops needed to be shown in various applications to demonstrate that these were not the laminate countertops of the 1950s. Read More

November 19th, 2008



Client: Tnemec — Since 2002, Bozell has provided marketing and communications for Tnemec Company Inc. Tnemec is one of the largest privately held coatings companies in the United States. Tnemec manufactures more than one hundred architectural and industrial coatings. Their products are used in the Architectural, Industrial, Water and Wastewater Processing, Water Tank and Processing and Manufacturing industries.
A United Brand
Tnemec came to Bozell with a fragmented brand. They needed our help in uniting the look of their Tnemec brand with their two other brands, Read More

November 19th, 2008


Carving a Place Among the Competition

Cabinetmaker turned inventor Bill Friegang had been building cabinets for more than three decades when he finally decided to create a tool that would remove one of the biggest hassles from his job: scribing. The QuickScribe Tool System is a set of professional-grade, cabinetmaking and woodworking scribe tools. These tools allow for perfectly shaped installation of cabinets, countertops and much more.
Although the QuickScribe, the initial product in the tool system, was developed almost 15 years ago, Read More

November 19th, 2008


Creating the Scoop on Poop

More than 70 million dogs live in the United States and every one of them has to do its “business”.  Dog owners know that they will be the ones who get stuck holding the bag.
To combat this offensive inconvenience, the Doody Dangler was invented. It is a leash enhancement that allows dogs to carry their own loads and attaches the doggy doo bag to the dog’s leash, allowing dog owners to retain a free hand. Read More