
A Day in the Life of…Chelsea the Intern

July 6th, 2011

Life has taken a turn for the crazy for the interns at Bozell. Design and content creation for our nonprofit project Creating Captains is underway, deadlines are coming due, and department projects are flying in from every direction. If someone happened to walk into Bozell after hours, they’d most likely see Jordan, the design intern, still slaving away concepting and perfecting his designs. Rob is scarcely seen during the day, as he runs from meeting to meeting, and Joe is always hard at work slaving under the direction of Jordan, the art director for the Creating Captains project, or designing some new poster or DVD case. Jen has officially left our intern ranks after getting hired on full time as a Project Manager, but she’s still considered part of the team and has been assigned to official copywriter for our project. As for me, I’ve been busy learning the process of writing a social media strategy as well as taking over a client blog.

As crazy as our schedules are, we still find time to have some fun. Lunch hour with the interns is always a fiasco: anything from Velcro tennis games to spontaneous tours of ritzy apartment buildings in the area. We’ve also established a weekly tradition of checking out a new restaurant in the Old Market each week. When we bring our lunches and decide to stick around Bozell during the lunch hour, we opt for either a picnic outside feeding the birds random tidbits of leftovers from our meals or relaxing in the bunker room watching classic American television: the Food Network or Jerry Springer. All-in-all, the bonding experience so far has been incredible, and I can’t wait for the coming weeks as we continue to craft our project and spend time together.
