
A Birthday Ode … to the iPhone

June 29th, 2017

As a self-professed Apple fangirl, today is a day that ranks right up there with my wedding day and kids’ birthdays. Today, we are celebrating the iPhone’s 10th birthday (sent with confetti). As a project manager juggling work and kids and everything else, I live for efficiency and ease. My trusty iPhone gives me both. And so, I present the reasons I love my iPhone (in list form, because I also love lists).

  1. Reminders: My phone reminds me of all the things – work tasks, school events, permission slips, my gym bag … you get it. This means I don’t forget pajama day at school or to pick up something from the store. And with Siri, all I have to do is tell my phone to remind me and it does. Done and done.
  2. Siri: Speaking of Siri, we’re close. She can call my mom for me while I’m driving and help answer the random questions I get asked from my seven year old.
  3. Wallet: Rather than lugging my whole purse with me for a quick run into the gas station, I just need my phone. I can quickly pay for my items and access loyalty cards and coupons. I get in and out of stores faster and save money.
  4. Camera: Sure, I have a big fancy camera, but it is so much easier to pull out my phone and snap a quick picture. The quality of image an iPhone takes is amazeballs. Not only do I get great pictures of my kids, but I use it instead of writing down notes. I’ll just take a picture of a book I want to read or item I like in the store that I want to research online. No more scraps of paper in the bottom of my purse.
  5. Monitoring: One of the best features is the monitoring and parental controls. I really love the fact that you can monitor your kids phone and have peace of mind that they are safe at all times while using the phone.
  6. The little things: Most helpful are the little things my phone does for me. I can quickly add events to my calendar straight from an email. It can tell who a text might be from, even if they aren’t in my contacts – and I can easily add them to my contacts. It gets me out of bed in the morning and helps me feel more in control of my day.

With that, happy birthday, iPhone. I don’t know what I would do without you.
