People like to look at pretty things. It’s that simple. Whether you’re curating a personal Instagram account or creating a paid advertising campaign, fostering a visual community and a consistent aesthetic should be the cornerstone of your Instagram strategy. While Instagram
offers in-app editing tools, it is wise to use an outside editing source in order to create a “look” unique to your brand. Each individual photo as well as an overall Instagram “feed” should be visually cohesive.
That’s not to say you should ignore the words. By asking questions, or hosting contests and giveaways, a photo’s caption can significantly boost engagement. Add further collateral to your brand by venturing into Instagram’s recent ability to support 60-second videos and real-time stories, or research and partner with popular Instagram “celebrities” to further your brand outreach. But whatever you do, bring it all together by using Instagram as a mirror and influencer of trends.