
Stand Up For What You Believe In

November 9th, 2011

Whether this is a marketing ploy or simply taking a stance, I’m 100% behind it.

Nordstroms' Christmas AnnouncementAn image is popping up all over Facebook and other parts of the Internet right now that shows a sign at Nordstroms saying that they aren’t going to deck their halls for Christmas until the day after Thanksgiving. I was a little suspicious about the validity of the photo since it came across Facebook and seemed too good to be true, but I’ve found multiple stories online that help confirm that this is the real deal. A major retailer has done what I previously thought was impossible: saved Christmas for Christmas Time!

It turns out that this is actually a long-standing practice at Nordstroms and the sign pictured was from last year. Perhaps the timing (seasonal) and the Internet being the perfect medium for sharing are helping make this something people are talking about right now. But the more interesting thing to me is that despite Christmas decorations and merchandising appearing earlier and earlier every year nearly everywhere else, Nordstroms sticks by their guns and – as they say – celebrate one holiday at a time.

The sign reads:

at Nordstrom…

We won’t be decking our halls until Friday, November 27.

Why? Well, we just like the idea of celebrating one holiday at a time.

From our family to yours, Happy Thanksgiving.

We will be closed Thanksgiving Day.
On Friday, our doors will open to welcome the new season.

It takes guts to do so. A lot of retailers don’t have the gumption to do anything of the sort. A lot of businesses don’t have the willpower to take a position in something they believe in and understand that by doing so, they may lose out on some business but strengthen their relationship with other customers. When you stand up for what you believe in, those who identify with you become stronger advocates. Others can also see that you have principles and use them as guidelines for how you do business.

More businesses need to realize that they can’t be all things to all people. Be unique, stand up for something, and tell people about it. You’ll find your audience, your audience will find you, and you will have a more dedicated following. The risk, however, is that as soon as you stand for something, you have to continue to follow through.

But why should that be hard to do in business? It’s not – there just aren’t enough examples to follow. Maybe it’s time for that to change.



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