

July 20th, 2011

Laura Spaulding

A Day in the Life of…Joe the Intern

So here I am again reflecting on the internship thus far. If you have been reading these reflections from the interns we seem to have the same things in common: we love it here. Read More

July 12th, 2011

Scott Rowe

Scott Rowe to Present at American Marketing Association Luncheon June 14, 2011

Scott Rowe, Partner in Charge of Digital Marketing will present “The What, Why and How of Quick Response (QR) Codes in Marketing” at the AMA luncheon on Thursday June 14, 2011. Read More

July 12th, 2011

Laura Spaulding

A Day in the Life of…Rob the Intern

On our first day at Bozell, Kevin Jones told all of us that there would be a point in the internship where all hell would break loose. Well, all hell has broken loose. All of the interns have hit that point of the program where we are constantly working on different projects. I’ve mainly been keeping busy with our non-profit, Creating Captains. Setting deadlines, creating job jackets and making sure everyone is constantly on the same page with everything isn’t as easy as it sounds, but it’s something I enjoy doing. The work that Jordan and Joe have already produced has been amazing and it’s going to be so cool to see our client’s faces when we present the final material to them. Read More

July 7th, 2011


Scott Bishop to present to Heartland Writers Group on June 10, 2011

Scott Bishop, manager of social influence, will share tips, techniques, and things to think about when promoting a novel in the 21st century when he presents to the Heartland Writers Group. The presentation will include what’s new in the way of techniques, what’s notable, what’s on the cutting edge and what’s on the horizon.

July 6th, 2011

Laura Spaulding

A Day in the Life of…Chelsea the Intern

Life has taken a turn for the crazy for the interns at Bozell. Design and content creation for our nonprofit project Creating Captains is underway, deadlines are coming due, and department projects are flying in from every direction. If someone happened to walk into Bozell after hours, they’d most likely see Jordan, the design intern, still slaving away concepting and perfecting his designs. Rob is scarcely seen during the day, as he runs from meeting to meeting, and Joe is always hard at work slaving under the direction of Jordan, the art director for the Creating Captains project, or designing some new poster or DVD case. Jen has officially left our intern ranks after getting hired on full time as a Project Manager, but she’s still considered part of the team and has been assigned to official copywriter for our project. As for me, I’ve been busy learning the process of writing a social media strategy as well as taking over a client blog. Read More

July 5th, 2011

Laura Spaulding

Part 2: Celebrating 90 Years: Branching Out

Bozell & Jacobs, 1930s-1960s

While Bozell & Jacobs (B&J) worked to establish itself as an agency during the 1920s, they became closely associated with its first and largest client, Nebraska Power Company. This led to a reputation as a utility agency and helped win additional utility accounts for the agency.

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June 28th, 2011

Laura Spaulding

Reflections of an Intern: Jennifer

The Bozell summer internship has been in full swing for a month now, and words cannot express how it feels to be working for this company. I have actually been an intern since October of 2010 and have always loved the people around here. The summer internship has given me the opportunity to learn more about agency operations through hands on work. It has also given me the chance to get to know four other extremely talented peers. Read More

June 22nd, 2011

Laura Spaulding

Reflections of an Intern: Jordan

As we round out a month at Bozell, I am beginning to know my surroundings and get my footings around the office. I have gotten to know the other interns really well. So well that I would like to share with them what typeface I feel they represent. Read More

June 22nd, 2011


Are You In The Know? The Demographics of Groupon and LivingSocial

Daily deal sites Groupon and LivingSocial saw their audiences approximately triple in the year to April 2011, with gains of 250% and 182%, respectively, according to comScore’s “State of the US Online Retail Economy in Q1 2011” report. But while both play in the same space, differences have emerged in the geographies and demographics of their users, as well as their deployment of display and paid search advertising. Read More

June 20th, 2011

2011 Bozell Interns Will Work With Creating Captains

The 2011 summer interns at Omaha-based marketing company Bozell, will work directly with Husker legend Matt Davison to rebrand and develop a strategic plan for his nonprofit, Creating Captains.

The Bozell internship program offers college students an opportunity to gain real-life marketing experience. Each intern will work in the departments suited to their interest and skills. As part of the annual program, a nonprofit client is assigned to the intern team. Throughout the summer, interns work directly with the non-profit client. This summer, they are working with the program, Creating Captains.

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