

January 25th, 2012



I admit that I go to different stores for ideas. Sometimes I think I could spruce up my living room with new pillows. Other times, I want to see if there is anything new in the kitchen section that could make my amateur adventures easier. I image I am not the only one. And, I will price compare in the store through my phone or visit another store to see their ideas before deciding what I want. But, this only happens when I am browsing and have time, which is rare. Read More

January 21st, 2012


Wednesday the Internet Spoke. Friday Congress Listened.

A week ago, the bills seemed certain to pass. But in one week, the tides turned. SOPA is now dead. The PIPA vote is cancelled.

Mashable did a nice timeline: The Week That Killed SOPA: A Timeline

This battle is over, for now. But more bills will come. Because the piracy problem is far from over.

January 19th, 2012

Scott Rowe

Bozell Employees Interviewed about SOPA and PIPA

Bozell’s partner in charge of digital strategy, Scott Rowe, and managing principal, Kim Mickelsen, were interviewed by the local news station WOWT for a recent article and news segment about the “Stop Online Piracy Act” (SOPA) and its companion bill “The Protected IP Act” (PIPA). Rowe and Mickelsen discuss how it could impact the internet as we know it.


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January 19th, 2012


Voices Heard #sopastrike

Prior to Wednesday, awareness and familiarity with the acronyms SOPA (Stop Online Piracy Act) or PIPA (PROTECT IP Act) was pretty low. Although there was chatter at the Consumer Electronics Show last week, until yesterday, the issues surrounding SOPA/PIPA were fairly unknown to the general public. Media coverage had been pretty limited. Read More

January 17th, 2012


We’re Joining the #Blackout SOPA Movement Wednesday

On Wednesday January 18, 2012, hundreds of sites around the country will go dark in support of the Stop SOPA movement. We’ll be one of them.

The blackout is a protest against proposed legislation in the United States – the Stop Online Piracy Act (SOPA) in the U.S. House of Representatives, and the PROTECT IP Act (PIPA) in the U.S. Senate – that, if passed, would seriously damage the free and open Internet. Read More

January 16th, 2012

Bozell Introduces Executive Creative Director and More Team Growth

Creative marketing communications company Bozell has four additions to its staff, including a new member to its executive team, as well as a promotion. Read More

January 13th, 2012

Bozell TV Spot is 2011 Midas Awards Finalist

A TV commercial created by Bozell for First National Bank has earned a 2011 Midas Certificate in the Corporate Image category, according to Corey Meyer, managing partner of the Omaha-based agency. The Midas Awards recognizes excellence in financial services communications and honors advertising in banking, brokerage, insurance, mutual funds, credit, real estate, accounting and consulting.


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January 12th, 2012


In This New Year. Will We Finally Shed Those Unwanted Pounds or Will We Instead Choke Our Jenny Representative to Death? Tough Choice.

As each year draws to a close there are certain traditions that are observed. We enter the holiday season with an eye toward sharing, festivities, thankfulness.

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January 6th, 2012


Why Is There A QR Code On My Banana?

January 3rd, 2012


2011 Holiday Shopping Review

Many originally predicted retail holiday 2011 shopping to be modest at best. Not necessarily a bad thing, and though many wished for higher sales, being prepared for a slim season is easier than recovering from poor sales. But what really happened? How can the season help us with 2012? Read More