

July 3rd, 2012

Scott Rowe

Eternal Beta Episode 6 – Microsoft Surface and Nest

In this episode of Eternal Beta Scott Rowe and Nathan Anderson discuss the Surface – Microsoft’s new tablet aimed at competing with the iPad and even the ultrabook market. Nathan’s Nest, the learning thermostat, also just arrived and the two take a quick look at the product and discuss it’s unique features.

June 29th, 2012

Managing Principal Kim Mickelsen Quoted in MBJ Article about Online “Check-ins”

Kim Mickelsen, one of Bozell’s managing principals, was quoted in today’s Midlands Business Journal for an article titled “Using online “check-ins” can bring in new business if done effectively.” To read the entire article, click here.

June 26th, 2012

Intern Confessions

It’s time for the interns to confess, here’s the first confession from Christine!

Being here two weeks earlier than the other interns, I suppose you could call me this summer’s Yoda… okay, that’s a stretch! However, that extra time offered me a chance to get a heads up on the Bozell environment.

If I was asked to explain Bozell in one word I would definitely have to ask for another, but if someone was twisting my arm, I’d sum it up as “family.” I know it’s cheesy, but it’s not likely anyone who works here would disagree. Everyone cares about you and your projects, and collectively wants to reach success – as any business does – but Bozell makes it happen with a unique class that is hard to find. Read More

June 22nd, 2012


Take Your Dog To Work Day

Today is dedicated to celebrating dogs and promoting their adoption. It’s National Take Your Dog To Work Day and we had to celebrate. All dogs in the office today were offered toys and treats. Take a look! Read More

June 19th, 2012


QR Code Shopping, It’s Happening

The numbers of people with a smartphone in the United States have reached a tipping point. Recent numbers are hovering between 46 and 48 percent. The number of people who are familiar with QR codes is also rising; I saw an estimate as high as 24% the other day. It’s making more and more sense to implement the cross-channel tool. Read More

June 13th, 2012

Bozell Kicks Off 2012 Summer Internship Program

Creative marketing communications firm Bozell today announced its 2012 summer interns: Ryan Cromley, Creative Center Art College; Tara Grieser, University of Nebraska-Lincoln; Lauren Naughton, Creighton University; Chayse Barr, Northwest Missouri State University; Christine Dunn, University of Nebraska at Omaha; and Alexandra Nguyen, Wichita State University. This year’s class will work with the Assistance League of Omaha to build brand awareness of the organization and drive sales at its community thrift shop. Read More

June 12th, 2012


Fact and Fiction in Shoplifting News

Organized retail crime is on the rise and the National Retail Federation has been following its progress for eight years.

It’s a big deal financially for retailers and yet makes sense during economic downturns that people are out seeking deals that inadvertently support organized crime. Interestingly, e-fencing is now more common for the sale of stolen goods than traditional physical fencing places such as pawn shops and flea markets. Read More

June 8th, 2012


2012 Interns

Now this is a story all about how

Our lives got flipped, turned upside down

And we’d like to take a minute just sit a spell

We’ll tell you how we became interns at a place called Bozell.

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June 1st, 2012


Don’t Be Mobile Naive

This morning I read:

With smartphone use soaring, mobile marketing offers an almost guaranteed way for small-business owners to attract more customers — and more sales.

Wow. This is very presumptuous and a little naive.

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May 27th, 2012


To Pitch or Not to Pitch

Bozell’s behind the scenes of AMC’s The Pitch.

The Pitch is AMC’s new original docu-series where two advertising agencies go head-to-head to compete for a piece of real business. Of the 26,000 agencies in the world, Bozell was one of 15 agencies chosen to participate.

Bozell’s main concern with doing the show was that the agency would not be portrayed accurately. Without control of the final edit, there were no guarantees. But Studio Lambert, the show’s producer and creator of CBS’s Undercover Boss, helped convince the managing partners that they would merely document behind-the-scenes agency activity. After much trepidation, the partners decided, win or lose, this would be a good opportunity to show the rest of the country that smart, creative thinking is alive and well in the Midwest.


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