

March 12th, 2013


Kori Miller of Back Porch Writer interviews Robin Donovan on being an Author

Check out Kori Miller’s interview on Blog Post Radio – Kori is the host of Back Porch Writer. This morning she interviewed Robin Donovan, head of Bozell Books, on writing a murder mystery. Check out the interview here:


Donovan heads Bozell Books, a division of Bozell designed to help authors and budding authors from inception through promotion of their published work. She has authored a novel entitled: Is It Still Murder Even If She Was a Bitch? www.rldonovan.com, and the second in her Donna Leigh Mysteries series is currently being published.


February 27th, 2013


What is your customer’s experience like?

Call me a wimp, but I really hate going to the dentist. Yet I seem to spend a lot of time there, in the past I even went to bad dentists so I had to make a claim for dental negligence. Probably as a result of growing up with non-fluoridated water combined with a fondness for cherry kool-aid. Read More

February 22nd, 2013


Most Popular Movie Genres

  • The most popular genre in 2012 was action/adventure
  • Action/adventure remained the most popular genre among all racial/ethnic groups
  • Musicals were the least popular genre among all racial/ethnic groups, but art house/indie received the fewest votes overall
  • African Americans were the biggest fans of dramas
  • Hispanics and Asians appreciated romantic comedies most

Favorite Movie Types

Movie Favorites by Ethnicity

How much of the ranking is based on the perceived quality of 2012 movies available in each genre? For example, if someone felt there were not good musicals in 2012 but normally enjoys musicals, their votes are skewed. If considering movie advertising or product placement, this data may not fully represent where to find your audience.

February 21st, 2013

Kim Mickelsen to Speak as Keynote at Greater Omaha Postal Customer Council Event on March 7, 2013

Kim Mickelsen, managing principal, will present as the Breakfast Keynote Speaker at the Greater Omaha Postal Customer Council’s “Advertising from A to Z” event on Thursday, March 7, 2013. As one of Omaha’s small business owners, Kim will help attendees understand the different fields of advertising and how an integrated marketing campaign can help your business grow. In addition to Kim, we will provide a workshop that runs the gamut of advertising solutions for any business. Read More

February 14th, 2013


Is Social Listening Creepy?

  • Companies regularly eavesdrop online to understand how people think about them, but they do not always respond/engage
  • 32% of people don’t realize anyone is listening
  • 40% of people feel their privacy is being invaded through listening
  • 50% of people feel companies should be listening to make product/service improvements
  • 60% want companies to respond to complaints

Know others listen

Should companies respond

The short answer is yes. To some people, listening is creepy. However, if listening to public conversations can lead to improvements, doing so can be important. In addition, if responding can improve sentiment, resolve problems, and/or generate engaging relationships, companies can greatly benefit from listening.


Data provided by Net Base and JD Power research, “Digital Listening vs. Digital Privacy.”

February 13th, 2013


Pandora — Outside the Box

I’ve been a Pandora listener since it was launched in 2005. I listen at the office on my laptop. I sync my iPhone app in the car, and connect my iPad to an external speaker at home when I’m working around the house. It has become such a part of my normal routine that I sometimes forget that not everyone is as familiar with Pandora. Much less, its growth rates and local advertising options. Read More

February 11th, 2013


Now That You’ve Started Writing Your Book, What Happens If…

You’ve made it past the first hurdle – you’ve started writing! If you’ve been following my posts you  either have your own process or now have tools to apply some sense of organization to the chaos. Either way, the book writing journey must be formulated to fit your work habits. Read More

February 9th, 2013


From Point A to Purchase – How Consumer Behavior is Changing

Remember this?

Purchase Funnel
For years and years this linear purchase funnel model was the prevailing marketing theory relative to the customer journey from the moment of first contact to the actual purchase. It was predicated on a model by E. St. Elmo Lewis back in 1989 which is often referred to as the AIDA (Awareness, Interest, Desire, Action) model. You’ll still find these models in a lot of marketing text books (including the one I’m using this semester to teach an integrated marketing class at Creighton). Read More

February 8th, 2013

Scott Rowe to Participate in Northwest Missouri State’s Professional Advisory Team on February 15, 2013

Scott Rowe, partner in charge of digital marketing, will be participating on a Professional Advisory Team for Northwest Missouri State University on February 15, 2013. The team of professionals will spend the day discussing what should be addressed in the University’s curriculum for Computer Science and Information Systems. Read More

February 5th, 2013


Who Posts to Brand Social Media Spaces?



  • In the US, only about 3 in 10 adults post
  • 37% of 18 to 34 year olds post
  • There is no longer a significant gender difference
  • Business owners and Senior executives/decision makers/leaders are all much more engaged
  • In contrast, 70% of Indonesians and only about 12% in Japan post
  • Only 13% of marketers feel they are “very effective” at measuring social media efforts

Who posts to brand SM sites

These numbers should continue to grow as more people become comfortable with social media. In addition, as social media evolves, how people interact with brands in the space will also evolve.