

May 2nd, 2017


Why Would You Want To Age Anywhere But In Your Own Home?

The dream is to age in the comfort of your own home. Unfortunately, that is merely a dream to many aging individuals. A simple staircase, one they ran up and down ten years ago, becomes an insurmountable obstacle after a couple of falls. As their bodies fail them, their functionality dwindles.   Read More

May 2nd, 2017


A Marketer’s Obligation

What’s our obligation as marketers?

I thought about that when a colleague shared this ad for DDT-impregnated wallpaper, for use in your child’s nursery.  Read More

April 28th, 2017

Laura Spaulding

Bozell Wins 16 Awards at the AMA Pinnacle Awards

Creative marketing communications firm Bozell received 16 industry awards at the 2017 American Marketing Association (AMA) Omaha Pinnacle Awards on Wednesday, including seven Pinnacles. Sixteen awards was more than any other entering agency or company. Read More

April 26th, 2017


Listen in! Cranberry Radio Segment with Kim & Robin

Cranberry Radio host Maria Reitan spoke with our president, Robin Donovan, and CEO, Kim Mickelsen. The trio touched on a variety of subjects, including creative communications, our history as a certified women-owned business, and the age-old question, “Can’t we all just call marketing to women simply marketing?”

Listen in:



April 26th, 2017


When Big Brands Step In It

Everyone knows that your brand is your public face so when you screw up publicly, you hurt your brand, right? Not necessarily. Brands are far more complicated than that.  Read More

April 20th, 2017


Bozell and Jacobs Inducted into the Omaha Business Hall of Fame

Leo Bozell (1886-1946) and Morris Jacobs (1895-1987), founders of Omaha advertising agency Bozell, were inducted into the Omaha Business Hall of Fame by the Greater Omaha Chamber Wednesday, April 19. Read More

April 20th, 2017


TV Advertising: The Good, The Bad and The Ugly

Anyone else out there scratching their heads when it comes to television advertising these days? This is how I see it.

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April 17th, 2017


How’s YOUR Innovation Mojo? Points to Ponder.

Innovation has been in the spotlight recently.  Again.   But not in the usual celebratory, award-winning sort of way.  Rather, it was failure to innovate that was getting attention.

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April 5th, 2017

Laura Spaulding

Bozell Adds Three New Staff Members

Bozell, a full-service advertising and public relations agency, announces the addition of three new employees to the account service, creative and administrative departments.  Read More

April 5th, 2017


Pepsi, from the Eyes of a Marketing Teacher

In the college marketing class I taught at Creighton, I used Coke vs. Pepsi brand comparison as part of the curriculum. Based on my studies of the two brands, here’s a quick perspective on the now-viral commercial:  Read More