

January 19th, 2018


The secret truth of subliminal advertising revealed!

It was all the rage years ago – and every college student seems to start off believing it’s true. Subliminal advertising: hidden messages or images in ads designed to affect your subconscious mind, overwhelm you with a longing and desire for, well, you’re not quite sure. Because you never really saw it. Read More

January 15th, 2018


Lean Cuisine Has Decided to Weigh Women’s Accomplishments

Finally, a weight loss brand got it right. Pretty much any of us who have ever dieted have developed an aversion to weight loss brands body shaming us at every turn. Lean Cuisine was no exception. Then their business started to wane which was a wake-up call that they weren’t resonating with their target audience – predominately women. Read More

January 10th, 2018


Innovation: How to Do It (Part 4)

This is the seventh post of Dr. Michael Murray’s 10-part series on Innovation, and in it he alerts us:

The Hard Work is About to Begin.

In the innovation process, Dr. Murray has described so far, he has led us through a series of steps that entail many creative steps. In this post, he leads us into prototyping and testing. It’s a step that can lead to the thrill of innovative breakthrough or the heartbreak of needing to find an alternate solution. Read More

January 9th, 2018


How to write an ad.

(500 words on words.)

Even in an Instagram-driven, character-count, soundbite world, advertising writing matters. Whether it’s on TV, radio, a magazine, newspaper (remember those?), an outdoor board, web page, a phone script – it all starts with the copy. Read More

December 20th, 2017

Bozell Named Agency of Record for Omaha’s Henry Doorly Zoo and Aquarium

Bozell, a full-service advertising and public relations agency, has been named agency of record for Omaha’s Henry Doorly Zoo and Aquarium. Bozell will be responsible for developing and executing strategic and creative marketing efforts including traditional advertising, digital promotions, and media planning and buying. Read More

December 13th, 2017


Innovation: How to Do It (Part 3)

In his previous two posts about the innovation process, guest-blogger, Dr. Michael Murray, discussed the first step, “Empathize” (Innovation: How to Do It, Part 2 and Innovation: How Empathizing Saved the Day).

The next step in the process is “Define”.  In this post, Dr. Murray describes techniques that will sharpen definition of the problem that innovation can solve.  Even some of the techniques Dr. Murray suggests are innovative, including drawing.  Yes, drawing. Read More

December 7th, 2017

Laura Spaulding

Bozell Takes Home Best of Show, 15 PRSA Paper Anvils

Creative marketing and public relations firm Bozell received Best of Show for work on Sioux Honey Association Co-op’s Share a Little Sweetness Tour at the 2017 Public Relations Society of America (PRSA) Nebraska Paper Anvil Awards Gala. Read More

December 6th, 2017

Bozell Named Winner at National PR News Finnie Awards

Bozell, a full-service advertising and public relations agency, has been named the winner of the National PR News Finnie Award for the Communications Campaign category for the #FNBBucketList promotion for First National Bank of Omaha. Read More

November 22nd, 2017


Cudos to Temerlin McClain, Dailey and HackerAgency for Taking Wing

Declaring your independence from a massive holding company such as IPG is a daunting prospect with a multitude of unanswered questions. In other words, it’s a great big adventure. Read More

November 9th, 2017


Weinstein Is Not Typical of Today’s American Male

I’m witnessing a lot of anger these days. Anger from women and men alike. Women in business have been marginalized and even victimized. The arts and entertainment industries, with their loosey-goosey protocols, have been right up there with some of the worst of the offenders. Read More