

March 27th, 2018


You’re Not the Audience

There’s a (probably) apocryphal story about Henry Ford, that he told his advertising manager he was tired of seeing a particular Ford ad, and it was time to create a new one.

But the ad hadn’t actually appeared in the media yet. He was just tired of seeing it in interminable internal meetings, so he assumed everyone else would be bored with it, too. Read More

March 20th, 2018


Is the Younger Generation Waving Good-Bye to Facebook?

Does the saying “out with the old, in with the new” apply to Facebook? It is understood that technology is always changing, but does that mean that Facebook will lose an estimated 2 million users under the age of 24 in 2018? According to eMarketer, it does. Read More

March 9th, 2018


I’m All For Spring Forward

I may bemoan the fact I lose an hour of sleep this weekend, but two things make me ok with that. First it means Spring is almost here. It’s been a long, cold, awful Winter. And I’m OVER it. Secondly, more daylight hours after I leave work makes me feel less like I do nothing but work and sleep. Read More

March 7th, 2018


Navigating Your Innovation Journey: It’s All In Your Head

Even innovation has a “secret sauce”.  In the ninth segment of his 10-part series on the innovation process, Dr. Michael Murray, describes the ingredients, which are greatly a matter of mind.


“Innovation mindset” implies forward thinking, creativity, enthusiasm, courage, and taking risk. Read More

February 22nd, 2018

Laura Spaulding

Bozell Receives 26 Awards at the 2018 American Advertising Awards-Nebraska

Creative marketing firm Bozell won two judges citations, four gold and 20 silver awards at the 2018 American Advertising Awards-Nebraska banquet, which took place on Saturday, Feb. 17, at the Scottish Rite Masonic Center in Omaha.

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February 15th, 2018


Brand Threats

What’s wrong with your brand becoming synonymous with the category? If everybody is asking for your product by name, isn’t that good?

Yes, up to a point. When buyers can no longer discern your product from its competitors, however, you’ve become a commodity. And price becomes the motivator for purchase. You’ve lost the ability to command a premium price or secure a primary stocking position. Read More

February 13th, 2018


Shopping for Social Snake Oil

“When you have a lot of followers but not a lot of engagement, it looks weird. Instead of a good first impression, you are starting the business relationship communicating that you can’t attract a real following, so you’ve bought fakes to boost your social status.” – Oliver Talamayan via Forbes  Read More

February 12th, 2018


Sprout Sessions Recap: Social Influencers Are Here to Stay

The world of social is constantly changing and evolving. To keep up with all the latest news and trends, social media coordinators and managers need to stay on their toes. For Bozell, that’s where Sprout Social comes in. As the ultimate social management tool, this nifty software allows for time-effective coordination of social platforms for all clients – including monitoring, reporting, engaging and strategy-building. Read More

February 7th, 2018


Navigating Your Innovation Journey

What is the greatest threat to innovation in an organization? Innovation coach and guest blogger, Dr. Michael Murray reveals it in this eighth post of his 10-part series.


Great news! After a couple of iterations of testing and refining your potential solution, you’ve hit upon something that people seem to really like. You’re almost there, right? Well, not quite. Read More

January 31st, 2018


Me, Don and the Super Bowl.


As many of us in the ad business, I’m a fan of the AMC series “Mad Men” and eagerly followed the exploits of creative director and bad boy Don Draper. (I even have the special edition cigarette lighter case DVD set.)

And like many of my cohorts, I anxiously look forward to the commercials during the Super Bowl. Or I used to. But more and more, I expect to be disappointed with what I see. Read More