

February 26th, 2010


The Art of Negotiation

Know what you want. Sit down and work out exactly what you want to achieve.
Find out what’s available. Do your homework.
Re-evaluate your goals: If you had seriously underestimated the price, you may need to re-think.
‘Arm’ yourself. Knowledge is power, so make sure you understand everything doing into the proposal or contract.
Remember who’s the customer
Admit what you don’t know. If you need something explained, ask.
Don’t let them ‘blind you with science’ Read More

February 25th, 2010


If You’re a Small Business, Here’s 3 Things to Put on Your TO DO List

It’s tough out there. The competition is fierce. So if you are a small business owner, you need to leverage everything you can to get a leg up. If you are not currently leveraging technology to get the word out about your business, it’s time to start. It doesn’t require a lot of money and doesn’t take a lot of effort to get stared if you take it one step at a time. Here are three steps to get you started. Read More

February 22nd, 2010


5 Tips for Creating and Using Passwords

Don’t use words that exist in the dictionary.
Don’t use simple number substitutes such as “0”s for “o”s or “1”s for “I”s.
Don’t user obvious words for people or places you may know.
Don’t use the same password for longer than two years.
Use different passwords for public and private online services. For example, don’t use the same password for social media services as you would use for online banking. Financial institutions are known for their heightened security practices. Read More

February 21st, 2010


Don’t Over Design your Navigation

When designing website navigation it is important to remember user expectations and familiarity. Users are finicky and you only have a few seconds to keep their attention. If you are tempted to design something the user has never seen before, don’t. Imagine if every car designer moved the placement of the steering wheel and gauges for the sole sake of aesthetics. Read More

February 17th, 2010


Bookmark Sync with Google Chrome

Everyone knows I’m a huge fan of Google’s Chrome browser. I started using it as soon as it came out and it’s been my primary browser ever since. With the introduction of extensions, it has become even more useful.

February 17th, 2010


Don’t Forget the Print Style Sheet

When developing a website it is very common for people to forget about the print style sheet.

February 17th, 2010


Selecting a Content Management System

There are several basic things to consider when selecting a content management system for your organization’s website. Here are three key things to consider before making you decision.

February 16th, 2010


How to Apply RFM Segmentation to Your Email Database

RFM is a behavioral marketing segmentation technique that direct marketers have been using for years to identify their best customers in order send them special, tailored offers. Read More

February 10th, 2010


Winning Hearts with Your Brand

You can compromise your brand and try to appeal to everyone, which only creates a cloudy brand promise and hides your story. Don’t be afraid to appeal to a specific audience. You will be noticed and win more hearts in the end. Read More

February 10th, 2010


Duration of an Online Campaign

When you launch an online campaign, try and make sure that you can run it for at least one-month (at a minimum) in order to get maximum effectiveness. This is true with both SEM and display campaigns. Read More