Selfless Act
Alzheimer’s of the Midlands hosted a cocktail party for Hollywood actors Brett Cullen from 42 and Person of Interest and Erich Hover of Moneyball. Bozell, a long time supporter of the chapter lends support to this film project coming to Omaha in August as it will raise both awareness and funds for the Alzheimer’s Association.
Hover was born and bred in Omaha and left to pursue an acting career in Hollywood. His Dad remained in Omaha and developed Alzheimer’s disease.
Realizing that the enormous time and effort needed to create such a film would not occur in time to help his own dad, Hover’s dedication to helping others with the disease prompted him to call on his vast Hollywood network to help Alzheimer’s gain much needed awareness.
Cullen’s own mother suffers from dementia and he is the primary caregiver for this woman he claims “saved him.” It seems that everyone on the project has a vested interest and an understanding of the drastic need for attention from Capitol Hill as well as the private sector.

Erich Hoveryone on

Cullen and Hover