
Bozell Managing Principal Robin Donovan Named A Meredith Brand Advocate

August 6th, 2013

Robin Donovan, managing principal at Bozell and author of the award-winning blog Menologues, has been selected to join the Meredith Brand Advocate Program, an exclusive collection of blogs who connect readers to the lifestyle issues they are most passionate about.

As a Meredith Brand Advocate, Menologues will display advertisements for Meredith’s collection of specialty products and magazines designed to empower women, celebrate the family and provide great ideas for the home. Meredith is home to 21 print and digital subscription titles and more than 150 specialty magazines such as Better Homes and Gardens, Ladies’ Home Journal and Every Day With Rachael Ray. Meredith also distributes books and products that share a common love of home, food and garden. 

Donovan launched Menologues in 2009, offering a humorous yet informative first person account of the trials and tribulations of menopause. Menologues’ blog posts are republished on Vibrant Nation and Alltop, two leading online communities that headline popular topics around the web.

Donovan brings more than 20 years of advertising industry experience and a vast knowledge of the media to Bozell. Prior to joining Bozell, she managed all media for the Connecticut, Chicago, San Francisco and Baltimore offices of BrannBlau. She has worked with global, national and regional brands including Merck, General Motors, Duracell, IBM, Visa and BMW. Donovan also launched Bozell Books, a division of Bozell designed to help budding authors from inception through promotion of their published work. She is a published author of the acclaimed Is It Still Murder Even If She Was a Bitch? The second novel in her Donna Leigh Mystery series is currently being published.

To learn more about Menologues blog, please visit Robin’s website.
