
Bozell Employees Interviewed about SOPA and PIPA

January 19th, 2012

Bozell’s partner in charge of digital strategy, Scott Rowe, and managing principal, Kim Mickelsen, were interviewed by the local news station WOWT for a recent article and news segment about the “Stop Online Piracy Act” (SOPA) and its companion bill “The Protected IP Act” (PIPA). Rowe and Mickelsen discuss how it could impact the internet as we know it.


Please read the entire article at wowt.com. As opponents of SOPA and PIPA, Bozell joined in by blacking out its website on Wednesday, January 18. This blackout got mentions on Omaha.com and Silicon Prairie News.

To learn more about SOPA, PIPA, the blackout and our thoughts on the matter, please read our Insights postings here and here.
