
2011 Bozell Interns Will Work With Creating Captains

June 20th, 2011

The 2011 summer interns at Omaha-based marketing company Bozell, will work directly with Husker legend Matt Davison to rebrand and develop a strategic plan for his nonprofit, Creating Captains.

The Bozell internship program offers college students an opportunity to gain real-life marketing experience. Each intern will work in the departments suited to their interest and skills. As part of the annual program, a nonprofit client is assigned to the intern team. Throughout the summer, interns work directly with the non-profit client. This summer, they are working with the program, Creating Captains.

“The goal of the program is to provide our interns with as much ‘real agency’ experience as possible,” said Nicole Frazier, business engagement developer and head of the internship program. “They work on real clients on a day-to-day basis within their departments, but the addition of managing and running point on their own client really allows them an experience unlike other internships.”

Creating Captains is a youth sports program designed to teach positive values and build character, both on and off the playing field, regardless of athletic ability. Davison created the program to share his experiences as an athlete and leader.

The profits from Creating Captains go directly to the Nebraska Food Bank’s BackPack Program. The BackPack Program provides food to high school students in need of healthy meals on the weekends and is an effort to eliminate the child hunger crisis in Nebraska.

“We want to challenge the kids who attend our camps to be leaders in their schools and communities,” said Davison. “We believe many of the kids who attend our camps have the ability to make a huge impact on their peers.”

The Bozell internship program is run by Frazier and project manager Kevin Jones. The program gives interns hands-on experience at a marketing agency and helps to build their portfolios.
