Direct Mail
Nationwide Learning offers a free and turnkey tool for teachers to publish students’ work. The company wanted to take its enthusiastic client base of teachers, many of whom incorporate the program in their lesson plans year after year, and turn them into champions for the Nationwide Learning brand who would recommend the program to other teachers. Bozell recommended a teacher-to-teacher referral program based on a creative student contest, to be promoted through a mailer to existing client teachers.

SmarTargeting Analytics
To determine the best targeted audience to receive the mailer, Bozell analyzed Nationwide’s database of teachers and ranked each school based on average household income, number of students per classroom, number of kids ages 5 to 12 in the geographic area and parent involvement. The mailer targeted the top-grading teachers, thanking them for their dedication to the Nationwide program and introducing the contest.

Web Integration
Teachers were referred to a personalized URL to learn more. At the site, teachers were encouraged to order their publishing kits, which included promotional materials to share with other teachers and get them involved in the contest.