

May 20th, 2011


Your Resume is not a Sheet of Paper

When you’re applying for a job – in any field, but especially in the highly competitive field of marketing/advertising/interactive – be sure you go beyond simply sending in a resume when you’re applying for a job. These days, with the job market being highly competitive both for available positions and talent, it’s more important than ever that you really pay attention to how you present yourself as a candidate for a job. Read More

May 19th, 2011


It’s Beginning To Look A Lot Like Baseball

Woo hoo! Less than a month. I can’t wait.  We’ve worked with the CWS of Omaha, Inc. for many years and it’s always exciting, but this year with the new stadium downtown (and oh so close to our new office) it is especially exhilarating.  It’s a whole new chapter.

May 19th, 2011

Bozell Interactive Introduces QRinkle

As the Quick Response (QR) code trend builds momentum, one local company decided to add their own two pixels, so to speak. A task force of designers and programmers at Omaha-based marketing company Bozell created its own QR code generator, QRinkle.

Through the free web application, users can input any web address, and QRinkle will create a downloadable QR code directing users to that URL. The easy-to-embed code can then be added to posters, brochures, advertisements, just about anything. QRinkle also offers advanced campaign tracking through Google Analytics, and integrates the QR code campaign results into your website’s analytics data, making it easy to assess the QR code’s effectiveness.


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May 6th, 2011


Celebrating Our New Space

On Wednesday, we threw our first party — an Open Agency party to welcome our clients, vendors, downtown neighbors and other friends to our new downtown space.

Thanks to all who joined us!

Missed it? There will be more parties to come.  But in the meantime, check out this video of the space’s transformation from an open warehouse last October into the dynamic creative space it is today, and our party photo gallery.

Check out the photos from our party on our Facebook page.

May 4th, 2011


If You Want Something Done Right…

You don’t necessarily have to do things yourself if you want it done right, but sometimes, it can be awfully rewarding. We’ve got a flurry of activity going on around the office in advance of our open house. It’s not just the cleaning and organizing and standard preparations that you’d expect. We’re building furniture, moving walls, rearranging things, hanging signs and lights – we’re advancing the design of our space and creating a special environment. And it’s a lot of fun. Read More

May 2nd, 2011


Are you missing mobile clicks?

You have to admit that Google Analytics has become a major force in the world of web based analytics reporting tools. We have been using the service here at Bozell for quite some time as one more arrow in our quiver of tools. It is a great tool in that it is free, robust and integrates in with your pay-per-click advertising programs. Read More

April 28th, 2011


Tips for Managing Change

It’s certainly no surprise that people don’t like change. So any change from what we’ve come to know, or are comfortable with, can, and often does, create resistance and fear — fear of the unknown or an expectation that we’ll lose something. Read More

April 27th, 2011


A Change for the Better

It’s hard for most of us to truly visualize or imagine something different from what we know until it’s very real. So any change from what we’ve come to know or are comfortable with can, and often does, create resistance and fear — fear of the unknown or an expectation that we will lose something. Which was certainly the case with the new TD Ameritrade Park stadium. Read More

April 21st, 2011


Customer Care? I don’t think so!

I’ve been dealing with a large copier manufacturer – a household name in copiers. They are a nightmare from hell. Their service is dismal and they find endless ways of charging us extra when we call for things that should have been part of a normal maintenance program. Read More

April 21st, 2011

Laura Spaulding

Mary Palu to Speak to Nebraska Library Systems on May 5 & 6, 2011

The ongoing digital revolution means that libraries are redefining the role they play in the communities they serve. Continual tightening of budgets means that libraries are also faced with having to increasingly justify that role. Mary will teach two four-hour courses to the Meridian, Northeast, Panhandle and Republic Valley Library Systems about how libraries can define their evolving role in this changing world and how to communicate that role in order to strengthen their long term viability and success.

Mary has been with Bozell since 2004 and is a business and engagement developer. Her work includes strategic planning and development for a variety of clients.