

February 24th, 2016


Likes Are Now Reactions

Today the iconic Facebook “like” button got 5 new emoji friends. Last October Facebook started testing a suite of six complements to the like button: “love,” “haha,” “yay,” “wow,” “sad,” and “angry.” “Yay” didn’t make the cut. Read More

February 22nd, 2016

Laura Spaulding

Bozell Wins Multiple Awards at American Advertising Awards-Nebraska

Creative marketing firm Bozell received several industry awards at the 2016 American Advertising Awards-Nebraska Banquet, which took place on Saturday, Feb. 20, at the Scottish Rite Masonic Center in Omaha. Read More

February 12th, 2016


What not to do

This. Is. Dumb. And it’s things like this that give QR codes such a bad rap. They can be very useful if used appropriately. But to stick a giant one on the back of some truck is just plain dumb. Read More

February 8th, 2016


What’s A Super Bowl Without Boring Ads?

I’m reading a lot of articles about how the advertisers in the Super Bowl were boring and the ads were weird or boring. These commentaries seem to presuppose that if all the boring ads and companies were not in the way, there would have been brilliance. Does that seem likely? Read More

January 25th, 2016


B2B Marketers: Is Sales Enablement in your 2016 Strategy?

It’s one of the rites of the New Year: seeing what industry forecasters anticipate for the upcoming year.

Sales Enablement is one the 2016 hot buttons.  It is cited in multiple 2016 B2B Marketing Trends articles, including posts by Knowledge Tree, Business2Community and The Drum. Read More

December 28th, 2015

Bozell Wins Fifteen PRSA Nebraska Paper Anvil Industry Awards

Creative marketing communications firm Bozell received fifteen industry awards at the 2015 Public Relations Society of America (PRSA) Nebraska Paper Anvil Awards Gala – more than any other agency. Read More

December 23rd, 2015

Internship Applications Now Open

Bozell is now accepting applications for our summer, fall and spring internships. Applications are being accepted for account service, copywriting, design, media, interactive and public relations. To learn more visit our website: bozell.com/intern

December 4th, 2015


Social Media as a Tool of Destruction?

In the wake of this week’s San Bernadino shootings there are many remaining questions. Was this an act of interoffice violence, terrorism or both? Pundits seem to be all over the map on this one. Apparently the main shooter was attending the office Christmas party cum bloodbath and left, only to return with his wife and a small arsenal. The rest is history. Read More

November 29th, 2015


“One Metric” – The Holy Grail?

The Advertising Age article, One Marketing Metric to Rule Them All? Group Believes It Has One is if not the latest, one of many recent pieces published about some of the wonders new technology and media can offer: increasingly precise and real-time measurements of the impact of marketing and advertising initiatives.

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October 28th, 2015


The Future of Computers is Wearable

Wearable usage will grow by nearly 60% this year. That’s an impressive number considering that just a couple short years ago the term “wearable” was an overhyped buzzword with little practical applications outside of the Fitbit products. Google glasses were downright weird (personal opinion) and few of us had the interest (or guts) to walk around in them. Read More