

August 22nd, 2017


Older Women and Beauty

A recent article by Michelle Smith addressed “tracing our attitudes to older women and beauty.” She cited examples on a rambling path through both praise and derision, and therein lies the problem. Read More

August 14th, 2017

Nathan Anderson

Mastering WordPress Post Queries with Nathan

Nathan Anderson, our Digital Creative Director, took part in a recent presentation about WordPress development at a WP Omaha meetup. Read More

August 10th, 2017


Sprout Sessions Recap

Social media is one of the fastest growing marketing segments out there. Platforms are always changing, and the industry reaches new depths of innovation daily. For any industry, it’s important to stay ahead of emerging trends and understand the factors influencing them. Read More

August 10th, 2017


I Scream, You Scream

I scream, you scream, we all scream for Bozell Internships. Right? Yo, I’m Cathryn, Bozell’s art direction intern. In true creative fashion, they told me five weeks ago to choose a sandwich, and I waited until the day before deadline for inspiration to strike. And even then, I decided to illustrate before writing. Read More

August 8th, 2017


Innovators: Who are they?

In the first post of this series on innovation our guest blogger, Dr. Michael Murray, addressed the question: Innovation: What is It Really? This month, Dr. Murray’s post examines who the innovators are. The answer is more than you would expect. Read More

August 3rd, 2017


An Omaha Favorite

As I reflect on my intern experience thus far, the only sandwich I can use to describe my experience would be a Reuben. Because, not only is it my favorite sandwich ever, but this has also been my favorite summer ever. Read More

July 27th, 2017


It Takes Time to Ripen

To me, you can’t spell summer without B.L.T. … ok, well you actually can, but you get the idea. A B.L.T. always reminds me of summer, and it’s the perfect sandwich to describe my summer this year. Read More

July 25th, 2017


The journey from “I guess” to “Oh, yes!”

If I were a sandwich, I’d be the ham sandwich from Oma’s Deli. It describes my copywriting internship at Bozell, and that’s not just because I ate at Oma’s eight times a week this summer. (That may or may not be an exaggeration.) Read More

July 21st, 2017

Laura Spaulding

Happy National Junk Food Day!

It’s National Junk Food Day! I mean, who are we kidding? Pretty much every day is Junk Food Day around here. We aren’t ashamed of it. Read More

July 20th, 2017


All Wrapped Up: Jenna’s Summer Internship Experience

Hey, hey! I’m Jenna. I’m this summer’s Account Service intern, an Omaha native and a recent graduate of the University of South Dakota. Read More