

February 5th, 2010


Don’t Overlook the Benefit of Negative Keywords

Negative keywords is a tool you can’t afford to ignore in your Google AdWords campaign. Negative keywords cause an ad to not be shown if any of the keywords are in the search phrase. Read More

February 5th, 2010


Writing Better Email Subject Lines

One of the most important parts of email marketing is writing effective subject lines. You only have about 50 characters to work with if you want to make sure most of your message displays in the subject line of the recipient’s email client. Here are some tips for developing more compelling subject lines. Read More

February 5th, 2010


Don’t Rely on SITE: Command

How many pages has Google indexed? That basic question and the problems surrounding it run rampant through the SEO world. Read More

February 5th, 2010


Twitter Validation Service

If you really like Twitter but get tired of the spam. Check out TrueTwit validation service. It validates each user that follows you by sending an email for verification with a captcha. Read More