

February 9th, 2010


Use Google Reader to Keep Tabs on Competitor Web Sites

Recently Google announced a new feature in Google Reader that lets you create a custom feed to track changes on pages that don’t have their own feed. Read More

February 9th, 2010


White Space is Your Friend

A design that is to be appealing must also be easy on the eyes. Without the right amount of white space, text would be unreadable, graphics would lose their emphasis, and there would be no balance between the elements on a page. Read More

February 9th, 2010


Beware of Online Creative Burnout

If you run an online display campaign for more than 2-months, you definitely want to consider rotating in fresh creative to prevent burnout. In this day and age, consumers demand fresh content and will side step your product if the message gets stale. Read More

February 8th, 2010


Use Behavioral Targeting to Hit Prospects with a Message They Care About

Behavioral targeting gives you the ability to show ads online only to those people most likely to be interested in them based on learning and insights relative to their past behaviors. Read More

February 7th, 2010


Simplify Your Landing Page to Improve Conversion

Chances are that if you are advertising in order to drive clicks to your web site, you’re probably using landing pages as a campaign component. Read More

February 7th, 2010


SEM is a Beautiful Thing

We all know people use search engines — a ton. Google is commonly used as a verb and “just Google it” has become the easiest way to find about anything. Read More

February 7th, 2010


Tips for Online Readability

A good interface design will grab the users’ attention, but users have to able to easily read the text in order to grasp the information they desire. That seems like such a basic premise, but it’s surprising how often I encounter sites where the content seems completely disregarded. Here are some basic 101 tips to provide users a good reading experience on your website.
Avoid too many font sizes
Font sizes are signals to a reader and like other means of visually differentiating elements, Read More

February 6th, 2010


Know Your Online Advertising Share of Voice

When running an online campaign always know what your SOV (share of voice) is. Read More

February 5th, 2010


Assessing Your Personal Brand

In the past few years there has been a great deal of talk about personal branding. The difference between now and when Tom Peters first broached this topic, is the rise of social technologies that have made branding not only more personal, but within reach. Read More

February 5th, 2010


Translating PR Results Into the Language of Business

If you doubt the importance of measurement and metrics, consider the results of a recent Gallup Poll, which showed that executives spend 24% of their time on “plan measurement and monitoring,” second only to “strategic thinking/planning.” Read More