
Intern Confessions

August 3rd, 2012

A letter to Baby Fereday: Lessons from the Bozell Interns

Dear Henry,

I’d like to write to you and say, on behalf of all the Bozell interns, congratulations, you have a great mom. And we’d know, because AnnMarie was kind of like our mom for the first seven weeks of our summer internship. That is, until she was all: “Hey I just met you, and this is crazy, but I’m gonna leave now, to have my baby.”

But our abandonment aside, we’d like to share a few lessons with you that we’ve learned during our time here at Bozell. We’d like to pass this priceless advice on so that you know what’s coming when dealing with your mom’s coworkers and for your inevitable future as a Bozell intern:

  • Never claim you are the Mario Kart champion without expecting someone to challenge you.
  • Never go unprepared into an email battle with Duane…or Jerry…or Bruce.
  • Silly putty is incredibly distracting.
  • If you have any sense of smell at all, avoid scheduling meetings in Captain Jack.
  • Don’t take your iPhone into a College World Series port-a-potty (thanks for the head’s up, Laura).
  • Don’t park under the 10th Street bridge, you will get towed…or have your maternity dress stolen.
  • Don’t park above the 10th Street bridge, someone will steal one (and only one) of your hubcaps.
  • It doesn’t matter how much you get paid because you will spend it all going out to lunch…every day.
  • Don’t volunteer to make copies for Duane—you will screw it up, and you will break the printer.
  • There is no abbreviation for success – seriously, don’t try it…especially not during a presentation for a client.

All jokes aside, if you do end up as a Bozell intern, you will be in for a great experience. We’ve had the amazing opportunity to work with a real client in a real agency atmosphere. At the end of the day, we will all have some incredible work to put in our portfolios and an invaluable experience going into the future. And perhaps most importantly of all, we’ve had a blast doing it.


Lauren Naughton
Bozell Account Service/PR Intern
Mario Kart Champion…bring it on

You want to know what the interns are up to on a daily basis? Check them out as they confess what it’s like to be an intern at Bozell here @Bozell_Confess

