
Media Reporting: How We Determine If Media Works

March 25th, 2018

So great, we’ve made this beautiful [insert creative here]. The client loves it. We send it out to sail the abyss known to us mere mortals as the internet. … Now what?

Believe it or not, every time we place an ad, there is a boatload of information we can see that goes beyond the number of impressions or clicks. But what client wants to spend an afternoon looking at a chart full of numbers that don’t even make sense? How do you figure out what is really important? And what’s the point anyway?

Great questions.

The absolute best thing I can teach you about media reporting is that it will mean nothing unless you can utilize it to achieve better results. These reports tell us all kinds of things. They sometimes confirm what we already think to be true – that we correctly assumed a trend and the ads are performing as predicted. Or the opposite may happen and the ad we liked the least is outperforming the others. This data leads to further questions, which give us insight for how to move forward throughout the campaign, or future endeavors.

The most efficient way for us to help you optimize performance and achieve your campaign goals is to bring us into the planning process. Help us help you identify your desired performance indicators, be it video completions, or purchases made. With these performance metrics in mind, we know what to look for when we see all these charts full of numbers, as well as how to identify those figures that will make the biggest difference for your campaign moving forward.

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