
B2B TV? Screening the potential…

March 21st, 2016

Magazines were always a big deal to me when I was a kid.  First was Highlights with the hidden picture games and stories.  Eventually Teen, then Seventeen came along.  I felt excited anticipation when the new issue of my favorite magazine arrived in the mail.


I feel the same anticipation every time we release Thinking, our quarterly newsletter at Bozell.


The first issue of 2016 presented insightful articles on the evolution of television, the ever increasing power of data that can be leveraged by marketers through television advertising, viewing habits by generation and so much more.   Both a walk down Memory Lane and a look into the future of television.


A topic still for further contemplation is the application of “television” for B2B marketing.   That’s in quotes, because I’m considering screens of all sizes.


Certainly, B2B marketers have been using video content delivered through multiple media channels, targeted and not so targeted, for many years.  But, contemplating the evolution of television and other screens for delivering highly targeted video content are B2B marketing strategies poised to leverage that evolution?


If you haven’t seen it yet, I encourage you to read this issue of Thinking, and consider what the implications might be for your business.


Also, take a look at our new case study on the Unforgettable Firsts campaign we created for First National Bank of Omaha.    The First Manifesto exhibits Unforgettable Firsts in both B2C and B2B realms.
