
Tips on Dealing with Irate Individuals

July 22nd, 2010

We’re in a creative business so emotions can sometimes run high. On occasion we’re subjected to an angry outburst which is generally counterproductive to any project it impacts.

So how do you diffuse that rogue outburst and regain control of the situation? It’s often more simple than you might think.

First and foremost – don’t raise your voice to match the emoting individual. A raised voice signals your lack of control. Start with silence and wait for an opportunity to interject your comment slowly and in a deep voice. The slower and deeper your voice the more you will appear in control.

Your comments should be designed to diffuse the situation and not to incite additional anger. Comments such as “this may not be the problem that you think” or some such remark fitting the issue at hand should be employed. Be careful not to patronize your subject or underestimate their intelligence – that will undoubtedly backfire.

Initially you may feel that your attempts to diffuse the situation are going unnoticed. Give your subject a few seconds to focus in on what you’re saying and how you’re saying it. Once that happens you will begin to see a softening in tone and force. At that point just keep doing what you’re doing until the outburst comes to an end.

The great thing about diffusing an emotionally charged outburst in this way is that it will enable you to help your subject save face. That will be critical to their ability to succeed on the team as your project progresses.

Should you find yourself in the rare situation where the subject is too far gone to reel themselves back, and your attempts fall on deaf ears, announce quietly that you are leaving and that the discussion can be continued when things are not as volatile. And then just walk away.
