
So you call yourself a foodie?

August 4th, 2016

A lot of people ask me if I’m a “foodie.” Probably because I hang out with a lot of “foodies.” My friends eat unparalleled food and drink outstanding wine. They are discerning in their selections, and most of them are gourmet cooks or professional chefs, some are even sommeliers.

They are always interested in using the finest ingredients and selecting recipes that will yield the most savory of delicacies. They grow their own vegetables and buy local ingredients whenever possible.

In their company, I have dined on anything from mouth watering escargot to alligator paella. They’re not afraid to try anything.

Together, we feast on meals from all over the globe and they continually find ways to improve on recipes that are tried and true.

And me, I’m happy to eat and drink right along with them. I don’t really care about the ingredients – although I’d prefer to avoid chocolate covered bugs of any kind – and I’m not overly concerned about the vintage of the wines. My focus is on the total experience, the ambience of wonderful people and the amazing meals that bring us together.

No, I don’t think you could call me a “foodie.” Maybe an “eatie.”
