
Keep On Trucking

December 3rd, 2008

Slipstreem Aerodynamics produces the Showtime 100, an aerodynamic add-on for semi trailers that helps reduce drag and increase stability. As a result, truck owners save fuel and wear and tear on the engine, tires, and trailer. Drivers experience improved truck handling, and the device requires no driver interaction when backing into a dock – a big advantage over add-ons produced by other manufacturers.

We were involved in developing a new look and feel for Slipstreem Aerodynamics, including a new logo, website, brochure and other materials. Their website included an animated presentation to illustrate just what the Showtime 100 does. The updated logo complemented the clean, “green” design that we used to help reinforce the fuel savings and reduced wear and tear on truck and trailer parts.

Additionally, we developed a savings calculator which demonstrates immediate, customized product benefits by allowing truck owners to calculate their fuel savings using the Showtime 100.  The website even includes a demonstration video which shows the product in action.

Finally, a product brochure reflects the same design and information as the website for use in sales meetings, for mail delivery and general promotional purposes. Business cards  and letterhead complete the production.
