
Accenture Hits a Hole in One with new Tiger Campaign

March 6th, 2009

In this challenging economic environment, some corporations will struggle to survive and others will grow to be even stronger. In the recent Wall Street Journal, Accenture did a magnificent job on their Tiger Wood’s ad campaign. This print ad is very relevant to the feeling and emotions that a lot of us are currently going through during economic hardship. Accenture used a very visible, trustworthy celebrity to convey their message in a tactful and unique way. I have to agree with Darren Rovell’s recent Blog post in SportsBiz. He said “They made the most of Tiger’s struggles by calling attention to it and drawing the correlation to the struggles of the country and Accenture’s potential clients in this economic environment. Real ads like this, that are both sensitive and relevant, are the only ones that are going to draw the eyes of the consumer these days.”



  1. Pingback: Truth (and consequences) in advertising, or Hold that Tiger « The Constitution Club

  2. Pingback: FT.com | John Gapper's Business Blog | Accenture makes things rougher for Tiger Woods
